Through my practice I give you a snapshot of your inner world. A place where unprocessed energies and imbalanced energetic systems keep you circling redundantly in unhealthy habits and beliefs. Through energy healing, I release the blocks and empower you to move into a healthier, truer version of yourself – emotionally and physically.

The modalities I use are the Emotion Code and Body Code.

What is the Emotion Code and Body Code?

The Emotion Code and Body Code are systems developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. They have helped many people find improvement, and often complete resolution for physical as well as emotional problems.

The Emotion Code identifies and releases trapped emotions. The Body Code builds on the knowledge of our energetic systems that have been used in ancient traditions for thousands of years, providing a comprehensive map of possible energetic imbalances beyond trapped emotions.

Our bodies know how to heal, and our souls know how to expand. Yet most of us do not allow this innate wisdom to guide our lives to success in every area. We continue in frustrating relationships, unhealthy habits, unfulfilling careers, aching and ailing bodies, or dysfunctional families. We work to change our habits, but they remain within us. Releasing the root cause can lead to transformation.

Change your Code - Change your Future

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung