Are you ready to release your subconscious blocks and start thriving in your life? Find the package that is right for you.

Reclaim your health and well-being!

Each session includes:
-Identification and release of energies and imbalances that limit you in your targeted area.
-Replacement of released energies to encourage your subconscious to create healthier, more beneficial patterns.
-Detailed session notes with explanations of each released energy, how they were formed, the general effect it has on a person and how it was released, balanced and replaced.
-Add on option for audio summary of the session and positive replacements.
-Detailed list of positive replacements and how to use them for best results in creating new subconscious patterns and healthy responses.
-Health and lifestyle recommendations according to what your subconscious directs, if appropriate.


  • Sessions are done by email. A report of the session will be sent

  • Booking link is e-mailed upon purchase of sessions.

  • Interested but not sure if this is a good fit for you? Explore your options in a free consultation.