Which modality will be used?

Although I am a certified practitioner in both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, the modality I prefer and mainly use in sessions is The Global Energy Method.

The Global Energy Method™ is a system developed by Lisa Ramos. It has helped many people find improvement, and often complete resolution for physical as well as emotional problems.

This modality has a strong psychological and physical base and also builds on the knowledge of our energetic systems that have been used in ancient traditions for thousands of years. This provides a comprehensive map of possible energetic imbalances beyond trapped emotions.

Global Energy Method™ Academy is Fully Accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners. It is a 5-level certification program that is the first energy healing modality to be accepted as a continuing education provider for the Naturopathic Medical Certification Board.

What does a session look like?

All sessions are done remotely and by proxy. This means that you do not have to be present or available for the session. Your session will be done during the time you scheduled and you will receive the notes (and voice recording for detailed and comprehensive report sessions) for your session by the end of the day.

During the session I will find and release energies and imbalances pertaining to your focus. You do not have to do anything during the session time. Sometimes people get a sense that I am working on them, but my intention with the session is for it to cause as little disruption for you as possible.

After the session you will receive a detailed session report. This will include:

  • An explanation for every energy that was found and released (or balanced in the case of imbalances).

  • The energy it was replaced with.

  • Any physical recommendations that might have come up during the session, e.g. supplementation, outside therapies, that could be recommended, diet adjustments, etc.

  • Affirmations, meditations and other exercises that will benefit the work that was done during the session.

Please keep in mind that I am not a trained therapist, physician or nutritionist. All recommendations are to be taken as suggestions and never as a replacement for medical care or mental health care. Always consult with your health care provider first before taking any supplement or making drastic dietary changes.

Make sure to provide me with a list of the supplements and medications you or your child are taking so that I can be informed in the process. Also please inform me of other therapies that you are doing along with your sessions with me (e.g. Craniosacral therapy, ANY form of energy work, Acupuncture, etc.)

For Detailed and Comprehensive Reports:

Along with your session notes you will receive a voice message in which I will go into more detail about the energy that was found, how you might have seen that show up and give recommendations on how to work with the session and use the suggestions that was made with regards to lifestyle, physical recommendations, meditations, etc.

How much time should be planned between sessions?

Sessions should be spaced at least one week apart. Sometimes more time is needed between sessions, but that is the exception and I will always tell you clearly when that comes up.

How many sessions will I need and how do I know if I am making progress?

Energy work can be unpredictable. Some chronic health conditions (especially chronic infections or immune related conditions that a client has dealt with for years) can take 15-20 sessions to resolve. Other issues are easily addressed in one or two sessions. Younger children normally need fewer sessions than adults, but there can be exceptions to that, depending on the complexity of the situation. While physical symptoms might take longer to change, most of my clients see emotional change as soon as the first session.

If you are dealing with a complicated health issue for you or your child, I encourage you to keep a journal of symptoms as well as the emotional, psychological and relational changes you notice. This will help you track progress as well as notice changes that are not necessarily part of the main focus of your sessions. One way to keep this simple is to make a list of all symptoms before we start and rate the intensity of each symptom on a scale of 1-10. When there is gradual progress (but not yet complete resolution) we quickly forget how severe a symptom or problem was when we started. For visible conditions like eczema or acne it helps to take photos. Sleep problems are easier to track using a sleep log. A journal is often the easiest for noticing progress on behavioral and emotional issues. Find a way that suits you and your family to keep track of your progress, changes, thoughts on what you want to address, etc. Even just recording occasional voice messages with your thoughts will be a good start.

Will it be necessary for me to keep getting sessions to maintain results?

No. The goal is to clear the energy and imbalances causing or contributing to the issue you are concerned with. I do have clients that choose to keep working with me, but normally it is for a different focus. The type of energy work I do is a very efficient and effective way to release suppressed and unprocessed emotional energy as well as address imbalances, but I do not believe it is the only way to do this. Ideally we learn how to recognize our difficult emotions and work with them in a way that empowers us to not “trap” them. I will suggest resources and exercises to encourage this during the course of our work together.

I fell in love with energy work after exhausting all our options for the health problems my family was dealing with. The physical benefits alone were more than I could have hoped for. The changes in our mental and emotional health was an unexpected bonus. I am excited to see the results you and your family will get from this fantastic modality.